Partners' Update July 2023

Dear Partners,

As monsoon season continues in many parts of the Asia Pacific region, APLMA continues to work closely and remind with partners, national programmes, and communities to stay vigilant against the threat of malaria. APLMA is also looking forward to the upcoming C20 and T20 Summits next week leading up to the India G20 in September.

Also, World Mosquito Day is on August 20th and APLMA is partnering to organise two webinars: malaria, climate change, and IDPs in Pakistan & the future of gene drives in Asia Pacific. Stay tuned for more information!

Find more of our latest work with partners below.

Best wishes,

The APLMA Secretariat

Developing a Whole-of-Government, Whole-of-Society Approach for Malaria Elimination

The India G20 provides a critical forum to engage and advocate for malaria inclusive policies and multisectoral approaches to end malaria. APLMA and ALMA partnered to write this policy brief for the T20.

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Developing a whole-of-government, whole-of-society approach for malaria elimination

Sustaining Progress on Malaria Elimination in Fragile, Conflict-Affected, and Disaster-Prone Areas

Disaster management strategies require tailored interventions and integration with malaria control. Learn more in this new policy brief from APLMA and Prasanna School of Public Health for T20 ahead of India G20.

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Sustaining progress on malaria elimination in fragile, conflict-affected, and disaster-prone areas

APMEN Case Study: Subnational to National Malaria Elimination

This report outlines the purpose, examples, and principles of subnational malaria elimination in our region.

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APMEN case study - Subnational to national malaria elimination

Strengthening capacity in Malaria Vector Surveillance within National Malaria Programmes of Asia Pacific

APMEN VCWG partnered with IVRCRD in Indonesia to host the fourth Malaria Vector Surveillance for Elimination training addressing the shortage of entomological capacity in the region.

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Vector surveillance training in the field, Indonesia, MVSE 2023

Science of malaria elimination: Ending malaria in the Asia Pacific region

Dr Altaf Lal and Dr Sarthak Das explain the evidence-based tools and strategies from India needed to achieve malaria elimination.

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Xwe Lay Village, Myanmar. Source: The Global Fund

Introducing new Chairs of the APMEN Working Groups

APMEN announced three current and former high-level government officials from member country to serve as Chairpersons of the APMEN Working Groups.

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Local man cleaning the river in Bhutan. UN Photo/Gill Fickling

Regional Malaria Updates

  1. WHO, Accelerating malaria elimination in Indonesia: revised action plan and bridging the gap
  2. Frontier Myanmar, Conflict shoots up malaria cases on the Thai-Myanmar border
  3. The Korea Times, No. of mosquitoes carrying malaria surges amid heat wave, torrential rain
  4. The Manila Times, 66 provinces free of malaria – DoH
  5. Antara Indonesia, Five provinces declared to be malaria-free: Health Ministry

Global Malaria Updates

  1. Vox, 8 people have acquired malaria in the US. They’re the first in 20 years.
  2. Politico, Global Fund chief: Next pandemic will be a disease we know, fueled by climate change
  3. Health Policy Watch, Brazil’s Success in Preventing Malaria Relapse Using New Single-Dose Treatment
  4. WHO, 18 million doses of first-ever malaria vaccine allocated to 12 African countries for 2023–2025: Gavi, WHO and UNICEF
  5. WHO, Belize certified malaria-free by WHO

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