board of directors

The APLMA Board maintains a high-level and strategic role in overseeing the work of the Alliance within the framework of the APLMA Leaders’ Roadmap.
dr christoph benn
Director, JLI Center for Global Health Diplomacy
Dr Christoph Benn has more than 30 years of experience in global health with a special focus on malaria, AIDS and other infectious diseases. He was a member of the inaugural board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria at its foundation in 2002. From 2003 to 2018, he served as the Global Fund’s Director of external relations, in charge of building and maintaining relations with the Global Fund’s partners, managing all replenishment conferences and initiating Innovative Finance mechanisms such as (Product) RED and Debt2Health. Under his leadership, the Global Fund raised more than $50 billion. Prior to joining the Global Fund, Dr Benn worked as a clinician in the UK, Germany, and as doctor-in-charge of a rural hospital in Tanzania. He is also the Chair of the Board of Health AI, the Global Agency for Responsible AI in Health.
Sir Richard Feachem
Director, Global Health Group, UCSF Institute for Global Health Sciences
Sir Richard is Director of the Global Health Group at the University of California San Francisco’s (UCSF) Institute for Global Health Sciences. He is also Professor of Global Health at UCSF and the University of California, Berkeley, and Chair of the Lancet Commission on Malaria Eradication. From 2002 to 2007, he served as founding Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and Under Secretary General of the United Nations. From 1995 until 1999, he was Director for Health, Nutrition and Population at the World Bank and prior to that was Dean of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He holds a Doctor of Science in Medicine from the University of London, and a Ph.D. in Environmental Health from the University of New South Wales. In 2007, he was knighted by Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain.
Prof Gao Qi
Chair, National Malaria Expert Committee, China
Professor Gao Qi M.D., Ph.D. has worked on malaria research and control since 1983. He is chair of China’s National Malaria Expert Committee and co-chair of the National Severe Malaria Diagnosis & Treatment Expert Committee. He is an adviser to the WHO Collaborative Centre for Research and Training on Malaria Elimination, a senior professor at the Jiangsu Institute of Parasitic Diseases, and a professor at Suzhou University. He has served on the WHO’s Malaria Policy Advisory Committee and the Global Fund’s Technical Review Panel for malaria, and was co-chair of APMEN’s Surveillance and Response Working Group. He was previously chair of the DDT Expert Group of the Stockholm Convention at the United Nations Environment Programme and of the APMEN Advisory Board Committee. From 2005 to 2013, he was director of the Jiangsu Institute of Parasitic Diseases and of the Ministry of Health’s National Key Laboratory of Parasitic Diseases.
Dr Hsu li yang
Vice Dean, Global Health, NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
Dr Hsu Li Yang is an infectious diseases physician who has spent the past decade researching and treating patients suffering from antibiotic-resistant bacterial and invasive fungal infections. He is Vice Dean of global health and programme leader of infectious diseases at the National University of Singapore’s Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, where in 2012 he helped found its Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Research. He also works with Singapore’s Ministry of Health (MOH), where he has served on several committees, co-chairing a workgroup that led in 2017 to the launch of the national strategic action plan on antimicrobial resistance. He was previously clinical director of the National Centre for Infectious Diseases and director of the Singapore Infectious Diseases Initiative. He has also served as a technical advisor on surveillance of antimicrobial resistance to the World Health Organization’s Western Pacific Regional Office.
Dr Corine Karema
Former Interim CEO, RBM Partnership to End Malaria
Dr Corine Karema is a medical doctor and a globally recognized leader in public health, specializing in Malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs). With over a decade of experience leading Rwanda's National Malaria and NTDs Control Programme, Dr Karema has been instrumental in implementing strategies that have significantly reduced malaria morbidity and mortality. Her extensive leadership experience has been crucial in her roles with the African Leaders Malaria Alliance and the Global Fund, and as the Interim CEO of the RBM Partnership to End Malaria. Dr Karema's commitment to global health is further exemplified by her election as the President-Elect of the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH) Committee on Global Health (ACGH) in 2021.
Dr Ferdinand Laihad
Head of National Malaria Elimination Assessment Committee & Executive Board Member, Indonesia Health Offices Association (ADINKES)
Dr Ferdinand Laihad is an eminent malariologist from Indonesia with over 25 years of expertise in malaria prevention, control, and elimination. He served a 12-year tenure as the Programme Manager of the National Malaria Control Programme in Indonesia. He also supported the UNICEF Malaria programme in multiple Indonesian provinces, contributed to Indonesia’s National Strategy for Malaria Elimination 2020-2024, and acted as a Provincial Supervisor for COVID response, and facilitated the Malaria Elimination Audit between Indonesia and Timor-Leste to further steer collaborative efforts to mitigate malaria burden in the region. Dr Laihad has also engaged in global consultancy roles, including for the WHO South-East Asia Regional Office and for WHO International STC, Malaria Programme Management, Vietnam.
Dr Kamini Mendis
Member, WHO Malaria Elimination Oversight Committee
Professor Emeritus Kamini Mendis M.B.,B.S., M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc. is a malariologist, medical scientist, and public health expert renowned for her contributions to malaria science and research, and to training new malaria scientists. She advises several Southeast Asian ministries of health (including Sri Lanka’s) and international agencies on tropical medicine, health and disease. As a professor at the University of Colombo’s Faculty of Medicine in the late 1980s, she established and led an internationally acclaimed malaria research group. In 1997, she helped establish the Geneva-based Global Forum for Health Research, and in 1998 helped launch the World Health Organization’s (WHO) flagship Roll Back Malaria Initiative. She worked as a senior professional in the WHO until her retirement and served on the WHO’s Malaria Policy Advisory Committee until 2018. She now sits on the WHO Malaria Elimination Oversight Committee, among other committees on Southeast Asia. Professor Emeritus, University of Colombo Sri Lanka.
Mr Hari Menon
Director, India Country Office, Gates Foundation
Mr Hari Menon is director of the India office of the Gates Foundation and leads the Foundation’s work in South and Southeast Asia. He oversees the Foundation's efforts in India to improve family health, sanitation, digital financial inclusion, agriculture, and gender equality, a role that sees him working closely with India's central and state governments, local and global non-profits, community groups, researchers, and the private sector. Prior to this position, Mr Menon led Foundation teams for policy and advocacy as well as for program communications on global health, development, and growth and opportunity. He holds a graduate degree in business management from XLRI School of Management, Jamshedpur, and bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the College of Engineering & Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.
Mr Ray Nishimoto
President, Koei Chemical Co Ltd.
Mr Ray Nishimoto is an accomplished executive with over 40 years of service in the chemical industry, specializing in Health & Crop Sciences. He expanded Valent USA Corporation's reach in the Agro Solutions business from 1998 to 2003. He has played pivotal roles in Sumitomo Chemical, one of Japan's foremost chemical companies, with a career spanning several senior leadership positions including Executive Vice President. In 2020, Mr. Nishimoto took on the role of President at Koei Chemical. Mr Nishimoto served as President of the Japan Crop Protection Association and held a Guest Professorship at Osaka School of International Public Policy, Osaka University. He served as on the Board of the RBM Partnership to End Malaria, Malaria No More Japan, and Crop Life International. He also Co-Chaired Defeating Malaria: From the Genes to the Globe Initiative at Harvard University.
Lady Roslyn Morauta
Chair of the Board, The Global Fund & Former First Lady, Papua New Guinea
Lady Roslyn Morauta is the Chair of the Board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. She has along association with the Global Fund having served as Vice-Chair, alternate Board Member for the Western Pacific Region constituency, and as Chair of the Papua New Guinea Country Coordinating Mechanism. From her time as first lady of Papua New Guinea, she has steadily championed health, HIV programmes, and gender issues. Lady Morauta has worked in Papua New Guinea for the National Planning Office, the Department of Finance and Treasury and in the private sector, both as a management consultant and in running businesses. Originally from Australia, she has lived and worked in Papua New Guinea since 1982. Prior to that, she worked in publishing in England and taught politics at the University of Ghana, the Australian National University, and Queensland University. She also serves on the boards of the Fred Hollows Foundation (NZ), Anglicare (PNG), and Pacific Friends of Global Health. Other board and committee memberships have included the PNG National AIDS Council, the Asia-Pacific Leadership Forum on HIV/AIDS, and the PNG Alliance of Civil Society Organizations Against HIV/AIDS.
Ms Lisa robins
Former Global Head, Transaction Banking,Standard Chartered
Ms Lisa Robins, former global head of transaction banking at Standard Chartered Bank, has an international business career spanning over 40 years across Asia, Europe and the United States at firms ranging from Louis Dreyfus, Deutsche Bank and JPMorgan Chase. She was head of global transaction banking and vice chair of corporate and investment banking for the Asia Pacific region at Deutsche Bank after spending 23 years at JPMorgan Chase holding many different management positions in France, the United States, Hong Kong and Beijing. Ms Robins is currently active on many non-profit boards involved in the arts and community development as well as an advisor to fintech companies. She holds a Master of Arts from Stanford University and graduated with honours in Asian Studies and History from Tufts University.
Prof Yongyuth Yuthavong
Former Deputy Prime Minister, Thailand
Former Minister of Science and Technology
Professor Yongyuth Yuthavong is a prominent Thai biochemist and science policy strategist, renowned for his contributions to malaria research and drug resistance. He earned his B.Sc. in Chemistry (First Class Honours) from London University, D.Phil. in Organic Chemistry from Oxford University, and was appointed Professor of Biochemistry in 1983 at Mahidol University. He was tenured as an emeritus professor at Mahidol University's Faculty of Science and was also Chairman of the Council of King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi. Prof Yuthavong played a pivotal role in the establishment of Thailand's Ministry of Science and Technology, BIOTEC, and NSTDA, reflecting his commitment to harnessing science and technology for national development. He served as Thailand's Minister of Science and Technology from 2006 to 2008 and was Deputy Prime Minister from 2014 to 2015. Prof Yuthavong received the Nikkei Asia Prize for Science, Technology and Innovation in 2004 and was ranked by The National newspaper as part of the “35 most influential Thais over the past 35 years.”
Ms Julianne Cowley
Assistant Secretary, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 
Mr Robin Davies
Director, Burnet Institute & Former Head of the Indo-Pacific Centre for Health Security. 
Dr Altaf Lal
Senior Advisor Global Health and Innovation, Sun Pharma 
Dr Andi Nafsiah Walinono Mboi
Former Minister of Health, Indonesia 
Mr Richard Moore
Former Deputy Director General, AusAID 
Prof Tikki Elka Pangestu
Visiting Professor, National University of Singapore & Former Director, Research Policy & Cooperation, World Health Organization  
Dr Jimmie Rodgers
Secretary to Prime Minister, Solomon Islands 
Ms Ruby Shang
Board Member, The Asia Foundation & Former Senior Advisor, Clinton Foundation 
Mr Chris White
Senior Program Officer, Gates Foundation
Our key priorities

Leadership for impact

Greater leadership at the regional, national and sub-national level:Keeping malaria elimination high on the agenda through targeted advocacy and communications to drive sustainable change Drive awareness of challenges and opportunities in the region (high burden) via a steady drumbeat of national and regional media (at times global) communications and digital engagement.  ​Leverage key events and milestones (e.g., APLMA high-level meetings in India and Indonesia, engagement of Heads of State and Government at G20, ASEAN, EAS, the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting etc.) for targeted communications activities​.
Ensure our audiences see the value of how sustainable action and investment in malaria is critical to eliminate malaria by 2030.Collaborate with malaria champions and partner organisations (e.g., RBM, SCPC working groups, WHO) to provide malaria the required regional attention around key milestones (e.g., World Malaria Day, WHO World Malaria Report etc) and ensure global media shine the largest possible spotlight on our region. ​APLMA is the only voice focused on bringing attention to the status of malaria in the Asia Pacific.
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Where are we based

Based in Singapore, APLMA serves as the region's hub for technical advocacy, health diplomacy, and high-level meetings. This focus keeps the momentum high towards achieving our ambitious goal.
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What do we do

At APLMA, we provide targeted support to individual countries, raising malaria's profile and advocating for policy changes. By marshaling evidence, policy expertise, and advocacy, we work tirelessly to secure the technical and financial resources needed to finally end malaria in the region.
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