
Located in South Asia, Nepal became a signatory of the APLMA roadmap in 2015.

Nepal is part of the WHO E2025 initiative and reported 32 indigenous malaria cases and zero indigenous deaths (for the first time) in 2022. Its current priorities involve improving surveillance along Points of Entry (POE) along shared land borders with India; ensuring adequate vector control using LLINs in at-risk populations; elimination of presumed/clinical diagnosis and treatment of malaria cases; developing cross-border collaboration to monitor and manage the importation of malaria cases, primarily from malaria-endemic bordering districts of India; and preparing for WHO malaria elimination certification.  

Nepal is an E2025 country that has developed proven models for the management of cross-border malaria in the region.  

Currently among the countries making up 1% of the Asia Pacific’s malaria burden, Nepal aims to eliminate malaria by 2025.

Indigenous cases
Funding Gap % (Global Fund Cycle '23-'25)
Elimination target: