
Located in Southeast Asia, Myanmar aims to achieve malaria elimination by 2030 by ensuring equitable and universal access to effective preventive, diagnostic and curative services to its at-risk populations, including those living in hard-to-reach areas (forest-goers, mobile populations and migrants).  

This is carried out through surveillance in collaboration with local communities, defense services and other ministries, national and international non-governmental organizations including Ethnic Health Organizations (EHO), the private sector, United Nations agencies and financial partners. Key interventions include early and effective malaria case management, universal coverage of high-risk populations with appropriate malaria prevention measures, and case-based surveillance for elimination and prevention of re-establishment. The latter has two supporting elements – increased research and innovation while improving service delivery and creating an environment to enable it.

Currently among the countries making up 99% of the Asia Pacific’s malaria burden, Myanmar aims to eliminate malaria by 2030.

Indigenous cases
Funding Gap % (Global Fund Cycle '23-'25)
Elimination target: