Investing in women: Assessing GEDSI indicators for malaria elimination

Photo credit: APLMA 2023

March 8 is InternationalWomen’s Day, and this year UN Women called on leaders to unite under the theme‘Invest in women: Accelerate progress.’ From caregivers and community health workers toleading scientists and policy makers, women are providing solutions at localand international levels for malaria and other diseases. Investing in women isinvesting in stronger health systems.

To ensure these investmentsin women are made effectively, it is critical to build a gender responsive framework for malaria elimination. By incorporating gender equality, disability, andsocial inclusion (GEDSI) into malaria programming, the need to tailor solutionsfor these diverse groups becomes clear. While governments and civil societyacross the region are working to address these needs, many knowledge gaps remain.

Evidence shows cleardisparities in malaria burden

Gendered social, cultural,economic, and biological factors can all directly or indirectly affect theburden of malaria. Interviews in Indonesia uncovered gender andknowledge-related challenges as some pregnant women needed permission from their husbands before seeking malaria treatment. Another study inPapua New Guinea found that despite having access to bet nets, some mothersleft themselves unprotected and instead gave away their bed nets to their children. Additionally, research on pregnantwomen in migrant populations along the Thai-Myanmar border found an increase in miscarriage amongexpectant mothers who contracted malaria.

Countries are takingaction, yet many key initiatives and indicators remain unknown

While more research is neededon the different malaria disparities diverse communities face, substantialefforts have been made to address identified gaps. Pakistan has initiatedvarious projects to improve healthcare access to historically vulnerable groupsincluding inmates, tribal populations, brick kiln workers, displaced populations, and transgender individuals in malaria-endemicdistricts. To address the increased risks from malaria during pregnancy, Indonesiaintegrated malaria screening into antenatal care for pregnant women. In Bangladesh, a range of socialand behaviour change activities for marginalized communities such as mobilemigrant workers have been implemented to improve health outcomes.

While much is being done toaddress these and other challenges, many such initiatives remain unknown orfragmented across organizations and departments. To address the significantgaps in GEDSI initiatives and indicators for malaria, data disaggregated bygender and other equity stratifiers is needed as critical baseline information tobetter analyse existing policies and projects to ensure effective investmentsand interventions.

APLMA is identifying investmentsand gaps to accelerate progress

APLMA remains committed toincorporating GEDSI principles in efforts to end malaria. Through strongpartnerships with governments and multilateral organizations operating in AsiaPacific, APLMA is supporting research, data collection, and sharing of bestpractices in creating tailored responses for diverse groups across the AsiaPacific region.

At the last mile of malariaelimination, the Asia Pacific region must ensure no one is left behind. An assessment of GEDSI indicators as a baseline willallow for a more equitable approach to malaria elimination to ensureinvestments in women and other vulnerable communities lead to acceleratingprogress for all.

Learn more about APLMA’s GEDSI commitments and progress 

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Pregnant women in Papua New Guinea are vulnerable to malaria. Photo credit: UNFPA Patrick Rose
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